Why Christians Should Evangelise? Exploring Common Questions4 min read
Introduction to Our Mission at Bread of Life Community Church
We are Bread of Life Community Church, based in Clacton-on-Sea, Essex. Led by Bible Expositor Stephen Clayden, he guides us in teaching God’s Word with clarity and conviction. Our mission? To nurture faith within our community and actively share the Gospel of Jesus Christ both locally and abroad.
Understanding Evangelism
What is Evangelism? It involves sharing the Christian Gospel by telling others about God’s grace through Jesus Christ. This message includes the realities of humanity’s sin and the necessity for repentance and faith.
Common Hesitations in Evangelism
Why do some Christians hesitate to evangelise? Many fear rejection or feel unprepared, lacking deep Bible knowledge. Concerns often include not knowing what to say, the fear of difficult questions, or the risk to personal relationships.
The Importance of Evangelism to Christianity?
How central is evangelism to Christianity? It’s foundational. Jesus’ Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) commands followers to share His teachings worldwide, marking evangelism as a vital aspect of the faith.
Should Christians Evangelise?
Absolutely. Evangelising fulfils Jesus’ directive and demonstrates our love for others. It’s about obeying God, helping others find eternal life, and showing our love for both God and humanity.
Living Our Faith Beyond Church Walls
Our commitment at Bread of Life extends beyond our church building. We live out our faith in the streets and communities, making a tangible impact by sharing God’s love and message. This active participation in evangelism reflects our dedication to God’s command to “go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). Our commitment to evangelism is not just about words; it’s about action. We practice what we preach.
Challenges and Motivations in Evangelism
Evangelising can be daunting. Common fears include feeling unprepared in scripture knowledge and facing potential rejection. These fears highlight the humility and courage needed to share the Gospel faithfully, emphasizing the importance of divine truth and the urgency of sharing it.
Seven Reasons Why Christians Should Evangelise
Just as God completed His work of creation in seven days, here are seven compelling reasons for Christians to fulfil their evangelical call:
The Power of the Gospel Message:
- The message of salvation is profound—God forgives and redeems, offering sinners a new identity as His children and a restored relationship with Him. This incredible news is not just worth sharing; it’s a necessity.
Jesus’ Command:
- Jesus’ directive in Matthew 28:18-20, known as the Great Commission, commands all Christians to make disciples of all nations. This mandate clarifies that evangelism is an essential practice, not an optional one.
The Reality of Hell:
- The Bible describes Hell as a real and eternal place of torment for those who die without Christ (e.g., Revelation 21:8, Matthew 25:46). The dire consequences of ignoring this truth make evangelism urgently necessary.
Love for the Lost:
- Withholding the Gospel is akin to withholding a cure from the gravely ill—a failure to show true love. Christians are called to actively pursue others with the Gospel out of genuine compassion.
God’s Method of Reconciliation:
- As ambassadors for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17-21), Christians are God’s chosen instruments to spread His message of reconciliation. This high calling uses believers to extend God’s offer of forgiveness to the world.
Urgency of the Task:
- Life’s brevity, as highlighted in James 4:14 (“life is but a vapour”), emphasises the need for immediate action in evangelism. We do not know when our opportunity to share the Gospel might end.
Personal Sanctification:
- Evangelism acts as a spiritual discipline that refines and sanctifies a believer. It challenges and strengthens one’s faith, deepening dependence on God and enhancing spiritual resilience.
Reflecting on Should Christians Evangelise
These seven reasons not only justify why Christians ought to evangelise, but they also provide the motivation to overcome personal fears and societal pressures. Evangelism is a privilege that carries eternal implications, both for the evangelist and for those they reach. As believers crafted in the image of a perfect Creator, embracing this call reflects our commitment to Him and our desire to see His kingdom grow.
Our Community Engagement
You will find us in Colchester and Clacton-on-Sea, Essex, and spreading the gospel to new regions on Away Days. While challenging, evangelism is rewarding, affirming our obedience to God and our love for others. Our efforts in sharing the Gospel reinforce our role in God’s creative masterpiece, bringing hope to a broken world.